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Catholics’ attitudes towards religious authority in Britain


This post examines recurrent survey data bearing on the views of Catholics and other religious groups towards religious authority. The focus of the questions is on churches or religious organisations in general, rather than towards specific institutions. The data reported here involve analysis of the…

Catholics and religious affiliation in Britain


The data reported here involve analysis of data on religious affiliation from the British Social Attitudes surveys (BSA) and British Election Study surveys (BES). What can the data from these surveys tell us about levels of affiliation with Catholicism and other religious traditions in Britain…

Catholics and church attendance in Britain


Attendance is a common indicator of what sociologists of religion term ‘behaving’, often analysed alongside religious ‘belonging’ and ‘believing’. Attendance data based on sample surveys need to be treated with caution given well-established concerns over the ‘aspirational’ reporting of attendance by respondents, involving exaggeration of…