Catholics in Britain and attitudes towards the ordination of women
The issue of women being able to be ordained as clergy has been an important area of debate within some religious traditions, most recently seen in the Church of England’s decision to allow women to become bishops, and can be situated within broader debates over…
Catholics in Britain and weekly Mass attendance
Regular churchgoing is a core part of communal religious practice in the Catholic Church. We have already reviewed trends in Catholic attendance in Britain, based on data from long-running social surveys, which showed a decline in regular attendance. Our new survey of Catholic adults in…
‘A Generation Gap? Catholics and Social-Moral Issues in Britain’ – New blog...
We have presented some findings from the survey in a blog post published on the Religion in Public website. It analyses how British Catholics’ views on social issues vary based on generational group. The blog post can be found here:
New report: Everybody Loves Francis? British Catholics’ ‘job approval’ ratings of the...
Our new survey of Catholic adults living in Britain asked some questions about Pope Francis, who has now been in office for seven years. In this short report, we present some key findings, based on British Catholics’ responses to those questions. You can download the…